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My Online Footprint

Nowadays almost everyone has some sort of social media and some sort of online footprint, whether it be email, Twitter or Snapchat. But at what cost do we use these websites and apps?

Personally I have a pretty large online footprint. Name a website or app and I probably have an account. I think part of the reason that I have such a large online footprint is because of the culture surrounding social media. It’s almost necessary that people nowadays have at least one social media account. I have multiple. I do not have a personal website yet, but I am in the process of making one so that future employers can see the projects that I’ve worked on. 

The most common social media sites that I use are Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. I use Instagram to post pictures that I take at events such as formals or on vacations. I use snapchat to talk to my friends and send them funny pictures or videos. I use Twitter to see what is happening in the world around me, but I almost never post in it. For a more professional use I use Linkedin to connect with friends and future employers.

If somebody was to look me up on the internet, they would probably find my Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, which I don’t really use. This person would be able to learn a lot about my be my social media pages. They would learn where I live and what I like. 

I’ve given out a lot of personal and private information online. For example, to sign up for almost any social media platform you have to give an email. To verify your account, social media platforms also might ask for a phone number. In this case I will voluntarily give both my email and my phone number to these social media platforms so that I can make an account. 

The downside to social media and having a large online footprint. Social media can easily make you feel isolated which can lead to sadness. People tend to post their best selves on social media so they will post when they are with their friends, having fun. If you’re alone, scrolling through your phone, and you saw this, chances are you would be upset. You would ask yourself questions like, “Why am I not there?” Social media has a lot of benefits, but also has a lot of negatives. 
