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The internet can be incredibly helpful, but also incredibly dangerous. The internet is constantly watching your every move. If you do anything on the internet, there is a record of it somewhere. What you watch, search, buy; it’s all being monitored and saved. For example, if you buy a shirt on a website, the record of you buying that shirt is saved and other shirt companies can see that and target you to buy their product through ads. These ads pop up on random websites like facebook, not just clothing websites. Nothing is private information, even if it says it is. 

After watching the TED Talk videos, I feel scared. I do not like the fact that the internet knows and keeps track of everything that I do. It’s not that I’m doing anything bad, it’s just creepy. The first TED Talk really scared me when he talked about a company that tracks and records people's faces. Anybody has access to this information and can do whatever they want with it. It’s also scary to think about how people can learn almost anything about me just from my face or my name. So although the internet can be incredibly helpful, it can also be incredibly scary and dangerous. But the scariest part for me is that even after learning all of this information about the internet, I’m still going to use it because it is necessary in the life that I’m living. 
