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History of The Supreme Court

As you probably have learned in any U.S. History course, the U.S. Supreme Court was established in 1789. You have also probably learned that the Supreme Court had its first meeting in New York City in 1790 but that it now resides in Washington D.C. 

Now there's still a lot to the Supreme Court that you probably didn't learn about in school. There is one fact that I am going to analyze and that is that in the history of the Supreme Court, there have been 112 justices. Out of all 112 of them, only only a handful of them have been part of a minority. Four have been women and one of those women were Latina. Two of them have been African American and eight of them have been Jewish. So 15 of the justices out of the 112 justices have been in the minority. This statistic angers me. It angers me because there is barely any diversity in a system that helps to run our country. So what happens if there is a case that involves a white American and a black American? Throughout history the white American would win the case. It's sad to say that even know, the white American would still win the case. I believe that this is true because of the lack of diversity within the Supreme Court. I also believe that if there was more diversity then the people who fall under the minority would have more of a fair trial than they do now. I do think that the amount of diversity has been getting better throughout the years, but it is not where it needs to be. The job of the Supreme Court is to give fair trails, and right now I don't believe that they are doing their job.
