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Pros and Cons of War

Like most concepts in the world, there are always pros and cons. I’m going to analyze some of the pros and cons of a very important topic, war. War has affected humans for as long as history has been recorded. I’m going to start with some pros. 

The first pro that I want to address is economic growth. War opens up opportunities for people to find jobs. The most prominent job that opens up are jobs in factories. Since the country is at war factories need to increase the amount of goods that they are producing, especially the ones that are used in war like ammo and weapons. The second pro that I want to address is technological advancement. In order to win a war a country needs the best equipment. So during times of war, workers and companies work hard to create the best ammo and weapons. These two points kind of go hand in hand because there is a need to be the best and in order to do that, a country will need as many employees as they can. Now moving onto the cons. 

The first con that I want to address is environmental damage. Since countries are constantly dropping bombs and spilling toxic chemicals during times of war, there is no doubt that it is hurting the environment. These toxic chemicals can leak into soil and water and kill plants and animals very quickly. The second con that I want to address is the casualties. This is an obvious con, but I think that this is the most important con. In modern wars, every war has had at least 25,000 deaths. That is a lot of people! The number of deaths do not include the number of people who get injured or develop mental illnesses either. These two points also kind of go hand in hand because in both of these cons, innocent lives are being ripped away. 

Even though I wrote about two pros and two cons, in my opinion, the cons outweigh the pros. I do not agree with war, but I also cannot think of any other way to solve issues that cause them. 
