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Stable Change

Out of the eight values of free expression, I think that Stable Change, also known as Safety Valve, is the most important. Stable Change is the idea that in society, people will be more stable if they are allowed to vent. In fact, people are less likely to resort to violence if they can vent. 

I know for me personally, venting is very helpful. When I was in high school I used to hold all my emotions in and it took a huge toll on my mental and physical health. The first time that I vented, I did it to a trusted friend and it really helped. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders because I don't have told hold the weight of a particular problem. I’m not a naturally violent person, but venting still allows for me to get out my emotions in a safe and nonviolent way. 

According to Psychology Today, there are 3 reasons why venting is good for you. The first reason is that it is better for you to express your emotions rather than keeping your emotions bottled up inside. Keeping your emotions bottled up can lead to serious mental and physical health problems. The second reason is that it restores your equilibrium. The third reason is that it helps you to think more clearly. If you are thinking too much about something and not getting it out then that will be all you can think of. 
