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Problems With The Internet

The internet revolutionized the way that people could look up information, in fact some people say it was the greatest invention of all time. It allowed for people to look up information immediately, almost anywhere, but the internet also has many drawbacks. Today I’m going to talk to you about three major issues that the internet caused. 

The first issue that I want to talk about is cyberbullying. The definition of cyberbullying is “the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature”. The internet created a whole new way of bullying because people were not able to bully from behind a screen rather than face to face. Even though it was face to face, it doesn't mean that it isn't hurtful. 37% of teenagers, between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online and 30% have said it has happened more than once. 

The second issue with the internet is that you can get addicted to it very easily. People get addicted to the internet because it can be an escape from reality. People can use the internet to play games and pretend they are in a different world. It is also addicting because of the screen. The screen gives off light that is addicting to the human brain. 

The third issue that I want to talk about is hacking and identity theft. People put all their information onto the internet, which can be good, but can also be bad. If your information is on the internet anybody can see it and anybody can use it. For example the website “Yellow Pages” has information about almost everyone over the age of 18. It has people's addresses and phone numbers as well as other things. 

Although the internet was beneficial in many ways, it was also harmful in many ways as well.
